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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Forest Lawn West
Street: 4601 Freedom Dr.
City: Charlotte State: NC Zip:28266
Price:$4500 SxS LC 15% Broker
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: Two burial spaces located in the Garden of Christ, Section 2, Lot 677, 2 Spaces, 2 Crypts and a 36 by 13 inch bronze memorial on a 40 by 17 inch granite base with a flower vase. The owner is asking only $4500 for this complete package. Grave Solutions co-ops brokerage fee with 15% of the gross selling price to the selling entity. Call owner at 910 458 9475 or call Grave Solutions at 703 742 8136 or 888 742 8046 toll free.


Seller Information
Seller phone number: 910 458 9475
Seller email: MCSWAIN5@AOL.COM

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