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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Floral Garden Memorial Park-Section JJ
Street: 1730 English Road
City: High Point State: NC Zip:27262
Price:$3540 for 2 Side by Side Plots
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: TWO side-by-side burial plots in Floral Garden Memorial Park. Section JJ, Lot 131, Spaces 2 and 4 located in peaceful area in the back of the park with woods on one side. Valued at $6,298.00 and selling for $1,770 a piece or $3,540.00 for BOTH plots. Buyer to pay transfer fee. Reasonable offers considered. Call 704-258-4121.


Seller Information
Seller name: Julia Aldrich
Seller phone number: 704 258 4121
Seller email: jnaldrich@carolina.com

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