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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Alta Mesa
Street: 695 Arastradero Rd
City: Palo Alto State: CA Zip:94306
Price:$7000 one space
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: LOT 272, SUBDIVISION 2, SEC. G of Alta Mesa Cemetery (http://www.altamesacemetery.com/). Beautiful burial plot in the NE corner of the Cemetery. Alta Mesa advises that this plot is valued around $8000. There is a $750 transfer fee imposed by the Cemetery which will be assessed separately from the price of the lot. Email or Call John at johnt@truste.com or 415-694-1754


Seller Information
Seller name: John Tomaszewski
Seller phone number: 415-520-3423
Seller email: johnt@truste.com

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