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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:El Camino - Bells Terrace
Street: 5600 Carroll Canyon Dr.
City: San Diego State: CA Zip:92121
Price:$8,500 Companion Crypt
Cemetery Type:Mausoleum
Description: Double mausoleum crypt, Mausoleum of Bells Terrace, Bay 11, Crypt 4, Tier AA. Valued at $11,700. Willing to sell for $8,500, including $870 entombment fee and $165 endowment care fee. call Daryll at (949)278-7664 or email at darylljd@earthlink.net


Seller Information
Seller name: David Hakim
Seller phone number: 408 270 1453
Seller email: inquiries@gravesolutions.com

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