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We recommend that you contact the owner of this property and work out the details of the sale.  
Site Information
Cemetery Name:Serenity Gardens, Inc.
Street: 8951 Old Pascagoula Rd.
City: Mobile State: AL Zip:36619
Cemetery Type:Cemetery Plot
Description: Serenity Gardens is a perpetual care cemetary located just a few miles west of Mobile on Highway 90. There are 2 spaces in Victory Gardens Section C, Lot Number 180. The list price for that particular section last year was $1300.00. I'm asking $1100.00. I will pay all fees to transfer title. If you have any questions, please leave message on my home phone 205-669-7232 or email me at tstone4445@aol.com and I will get back with you as soon as possible. If you need to talk to me immediately, call my cell phone 205-369-6203 after 7:00 am central.


Seller Information
Seller name: Travis Stone
Seller phone number: 205 669 7232
Seller email: tstone4445@bellsouth.net

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