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Cemetery NameTypeProperty TypePrice
Greenwood - Garden of Memories
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$2,700 for 2 Cremation Plots
Greenwood - Garden of Memories
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$2,700 for 2 Cremation Plots - 15% Broker
Greenwood - Garden of Tribute
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$3000 one space
Greenwood - Garden of Tribute
San Diego, CA
PRIVATEMausoleum$SOLD 2 Crypts
GreenWood - Garden of Tribute
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$6000
Greenwood - Garden of Valor
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$SOLD Double Depth Plot
Greenwood - Guadalupe Terrace
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$5900 DD Lawn Crypt
Greenwood - Hawthorne Place
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$10,000 2 spaces
Greenwood - James the Greater
San Diego, CA
PRIVATEMausoleum$18,000 Companion Crypts
Greenwood - Memory Lake
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$SOLD 3 Cremation Spaces
Greenwood - Memory Lake Lawn
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$2,700 for 2 Cremation Plots
Greenwood - Memory Lake Lawn
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$2,700 for 2 Cremation Plots - 15% Broker
Greenwood - Memory Lake Lawn
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$800 Cremation Space 15% Broker
Greenwood - Memory Lake Lawn
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$800 Cremation Space
Greenwood - Ninth Psalm
San Diego, CA
PRIVATEMausoleum$SOLD 2 Crypts
Greenwood - Peace
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$2250 each 6 spaces
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$5000 ea. 2 Sp. 15% Broker
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$5000 each 2 spaces
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$SOLD One Space
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$8500 2 Spaces 15% Broker
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$8500 2 spaces
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$SOLD one space
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$3900 each 4 DD Spaces
Greenwood - Rest Haven
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$SOLD 2 spaces
Greenwood - Rest Lawn
San Diego, CA
PRIVATECemetery Plot$2000 each 7 DD Lawn Crypts

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